Monday, August 16, 2010

CoTD 16/8/10 - Battle Fader Ver. 2


Lore: When your opponent declares a direct attack, you can discard this card to end the Battle Phase.

The 30/7/10 CoTD I created on Janime Community Forum. Since I received so many replies, I decided to show it off on this blog.

My comments
Ah... Finally one of my most favourite cards in the whole Starstrike Blast set...

For those who can't afford Battle Fader like me may consider this card. It's a common, meaning that it won't be so hard to get one in about 5 packs or so (that's the rate I managed to achieve)

With so many people siding Vanity Ruler or cards that prevent Special Summoning, this card is great for bypassing that limitation. Opponent direct attacks, discard, end. It's just that simple.

Anyway, a good card for Yusei and hopes he get to use it again in the anime...

Wilren's reply
Yusei sure seems to enjoy using scarecrows to fend off attacks...first Scrap-Iron, now this?

In any case, you pretty well covered it: This is to Battle Fader what Darksea Rescue was to Tuningware - the poor man's option. In exchange for not doing quite as much (in this case, not giving you a monster on the field), you get a much better price on it.

All in all, a good back-up plan for those of us on a tight budget.

Looking's reply
I think this is on par with Battle Fader. We may lose the special summon and Allure of Darkness fun, but gain Pot of Avarice and Junk Synchron shenanigans.

Besides, "cheaper alternative" may be a moot point; KDE could easily bump this card up to Ultra when it hits the TCG.

Edit: I misread the effect, so it only cover direct attacks. That kills my anti-Gladiator Beast plans.

A return to my comments
No, Looking, no. Battle Fader also only covers direct attacks. The only difference is that it needs to go to the Graveyard. Besides that, you won't be removing this card from play, unlike Battle Fader, which disallows you to recycle it through Pot of Avarice or Monster Reincarnation.

Anyway, this "poor man's choice" would be a great substitute to the "rich man's choice" - Battle Fader, and I hope it gets to debut sometime in the tournaments =).

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