Here's the Decklist of champion Anthony Meier, credits goes to TCGPlayer for providing the info:
3 Banisher of the Radiance
2 Cyber Dragon
3 Doomcaliber Knight
3 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
2 King Tiger Wanghu
1 Spirit Reaper
3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
3 Book of Moon
2 Enemy Controller
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Smashing Ground
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
3 Dimensional Prison
2 Magic Drain
1 Mirror Force
2 Royal Oppression
2 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Starlight Road
Ignore the cards in italics, their Common or Rare counterparts can be bought quite cheaply for $0.50 - $2.
Let's analyze the Monsters part first. 3 Banishers of the Radiance make everything that goes into the Graveyard removed from play, stopping potential threats like Quillbolt Hedgehog or the summoning of Dark Armed Dragon. Combined with Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo and King Tiger Wanghu, an even more solid lockdown combo is created, as almost everything your opponent summons would go to the Graveyard and removed from play.
Thunder King Rai-Oh stops your opponent from searching Monsters due to effects like Mystik Tomato for a counter attack and furthermore, it's a nice 1900 beatstick with almost no drawbacks, on the condition that you yourself would not search for cards in the Deck.
Doomcaliber Knight is evil (not purely evil due to its drawback). It means a 1900-ATK beatstick and a potential destruction of your opponent's Monster effect. However, its strength also means its weakness as you would have to also Tribute this card if your Monster's effect activates earlier, resulting in a -2 advantage.
Cyber Dragon is there to stop Machina Gadgets and to act as a rapid 2100-ATK beatstick. I would recommend Marshmallon over Spirit Reaper since it causes burn damage and no drawbacks.
Spells. Book of Moons, Heavy Storm and MST are staples for any Deck. You know why.
And we have Enemy Controller. You can easily change the Battle Position or even controlling one Monster your opponent controls, on the opponent's turn! That would stop direct attacks easily, allowing you to counter attack the next turn.
I love Lightning Vortex over Smashing Ground, because of its mass destruction ability despite you having to pay one card.
Finally, we have our Traps. I would not like to comment too much on this as most of them are really expensive Traps, excluding Sakuretsu Armor and Magic Drain, sorry for the TCG players who are looking for cheaper Decks.
So, how can we make it more economic?
You would like to pay more for Banisher of the Radiance since it has a good ATK for its Level, 1600 and a nice effect. Or you could simply switch them for Dimensionhole, $0.50 each at the cost of less Monsters.
Fossil Dyna is too costly. Substitute it with Vanity's Fiend, and you will have a 2400-ATK Level 6 beast which also stops your opponent from Special Summons.
Cyber Dragons... Drop it if you want a beatstick since you would already have Vanity's Fiend. Or add it single if you want, as we had so many Monsters...
Marshmallon for Spirit Reaper since it costs the same, plus a burn effect.
Doomcaliber Knight and Thunder King Rai-Oh are really hard to find substitutes for. Save your money if you are really desperate for them. If you need a nice Level 4 with cheap price and over 1900-ATK, then I would recommend Maiden of Macabre and Breaker the Magical Warrior. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer is also fine.
I would throw in a D. D. Warrior Lady or D. D. Assailant to get rid of problematic Monsters. Add in one or two Tuner Monsters for creativity, preferably the cards I recommended earlier. Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, X-Saber Airbellum and Psychic Commander if you want to stick to the original theme. No, Junk Synchron, its not your turn yet.
Wait for Starstrike Blast in November for Swift-Attacking Scarecrow. Again, if you have the money, try out Battle Fader.
The Monsters part is complete! Here's the recommended list: (18)
Vanity's Fiend x2
Cyber Dragon x1
Banisher of the Radiance x3
Thunder King Rai-Oh x2/3 (sorry for its great effect, you need to pay more =<)
Marshmallon x1
King Tiger Wang-Hu x2
X-Saber Airbellum x2
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind x1
D. D. Warrior Lady x1
Breaker the Magical Warrior x3
Spells, Spells, Spells... We would probably untouch them. Save your money for this part. Its a great selection. But if you are desperate for cheap cards, Giant Trunade for Heavy Storm. Lightning Vortexes for the Smashing Grounds. And Dust Tornado for the MSTs. Here's the list: (9)
Book of Moon x3
Enemy Controller x2
Giant Trunade x1
Lightning Vortex x3
Traps are a headache. Most probably, two Trap Holes for the Bottomless. Throw in a By Order of the Emperor. Dust Tornado is a cool option for those who don't want MST. Remove the D. Prison to save budget. Wait for Structure Deck: Marik and get your cheap Mirror Force. Drop out Starlight Road and a Royal Oppression. Add in a Sakuretsu Armor since you would not have D. Prison. And here's the result: (14)
Trap Hole x3
By Order of the Emperor x1
Magic Drain x2
Mirror Force x1
Royal Oppression x1
Dust Tornado x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Sakuretsu Armor x3
Extra Deck... You will substitute the Cyber End and Cyber Twin Dragons in his choice to Synchro Monsters, since you'll have your Gale the Whirlwind or Airbellum. Staples are recommended. And here's my usual list of Synchros: (15)
Stardust Dragon x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Ancient Fairy Dragon x1
Black-Winged Dragon x1
X-Saber Urbellum x1
Magical Android x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Blackwing Armor Master x1
Armory Arm x1
Gaia the Force of Earth x1
X-Saber Gottoms x1
X-Saber Wayne x1
Iron Chain Dragon x1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
Yeah, here's your economic Anti-Meta Deck. Feel free to comment/edit it!
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